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Internship Blog ll

Internship Blog ll

“Behind every young child who believed in themselves, was a parent who believed first.”

From baby steps to giant leaps of success, you - The parents - have supported your children in
every way fathomable. Once it commences, you just get the epiphany that, in the end, it’s not
about just you. Amazingly, this applies to parenthood as well as leadership. Be it mentally,
physically, or emotionally, your children and your business always had you. You who would
never give up on them, who they can always count on. It is the epitome of parenthood. It is the
epitome of leadership. If you’ve given it your best - you have, even though there are days when
you may not believe it or it’s not what you may have envisioned, found success.
Both parenthood and leadership, have their fair share of ups and downs. Everything is new. It’s
as though you’re in a foreign country without a map - you can ask for directions and you can ask
or help but at the end of the day, you have to trust yourself and find your own way. As a parent,
when you have your child, you yourself are young and naive to the challenges of having a kid.
You try your best to see what your parents did and do the same but the times, technology, and
generation gap limits you. Then there is the uncanny familial and social pressure, voices saying
“do this!” “I would never” “what are you doing?” and all a billion more worthless comments
which do nothing but knock you down. Things are no different in building a business. One
learns, does all one can, and yet there is always some or the other thing which is, as though, just
waiting to bring you down. The terrifying part of them both is that every day, every age, every
minute brings a new challenge. Being a parent - from the first burp to your last breath, every
moment is a new learning experience. Being a boss - from the first idea to your last day, every
minute is a chance to grow. No doubt, it’s exhausting but it’s worth it. With experience, you learn
and with time you grow.
The only way you can achieve contentment as a leader and a parent is when you completely trust
yourself and your instincts. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, yes, but the helper’s advice isn’t
concrete. Remember the difference between advice and command. See, having a business and/or
having a kid invites changes into your life and yes, it’s scary and yes, you wish it was easier but
let’s face it - no matter the difficulties, you can do it. You’ll mature, you’ll handle your
responsibilities better and with time and the support of friends and/or family, you’ll flourish.
Now, when it comes to help - in this day and age, ‘help’ is available from almost everywhere;
however, knowing what’s right for you, knowing honorable intentions - that’s essential. Seek the
people you trust, whether it’s friends or family or anyone, trust holds unfathomable power so
seek the ones you have faith in and ask them for help. Going on the internet and looking at
articles is fine but do not let yourself get sucked in the rabbit hole of ‘advice’ on the web. Read
books by experienced, well-versed authors - here are a few examples of some of the finest
parenting and leadership books:                                                            Parenting Books Leadership Books


1. How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With                                                       1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert

Your Kids - Carla Naumburg, Ph.D.,                                                              Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

2. The Whole-Brain Child - Daniel J.                                                               2. The Hard Thing About Hard Things -

Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson                                                                        Ben Horowitz

3. How to Talk so Kids Will Listen &                                                             3. How to Win Friends and Influence

Listen so Kids Will Talk - Adele Faber                                                           People - Dale Carnegie

and Elaine Mazlish

4. Weird Parenting Wins - Hillary Frank                                                       4. The E-Myth - Michael Gerber

5. All Joy and No Fun - Jennifer Senior                                                          5. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Parenting is the toughest job there is. You are responsible for this tiny human you love with all
your heart and you are terrified of messing up.
Being a boss is no different. You are responsible for the livelihoods of many and your business is
the result of your sweat and tears.
Both of these may seem quite different, but if you look close enough - they are more similar than
you could’ve imagined.
Just always remember that no amount of articles and advice can equate to experience. You’ll
learn and you’ll succeed and before you go and overthink - Truly just know this - ultimately, all
that matters is your own instincts and faith and it’ll all work out.